wall flowers, fanciful bouquet no. 1

wall flowers, fanciful bouquet no. 1


A fanciful one-of-a-kind botanically inspired wallflower bouquet handmade in Marin, California. A pop of color and freshness for year round enjoyment. Each flower and leaf is hand-embroidered and hand-wired giving the bouquet its body. Entire bouquet is approx. 7 inches long, 4 1/2 inches at widest part. Flowers are approx. 2 inches long, 1 1/4 inches at its widest part. Leaves vary in size from approx. 1 - 1 1/2 inches long and approx. 1/2 inch - 1 inch at its widest part. Roots dangle approx. 3 inches. 

Materials include cotton flecked with subtle gold specks, silver plated gold wire, embroidery floss. Silver floral tape wrapped around stems with bits of yellow, rusty orange and blue silk thread wrapped around parts of the stem.

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